A lawyer who brings the pieces together.
Few people think about retaining an attorney until something goes wrong.
And yet, smart people in business do just the opposite. They see Legal as much key to the success of their business as revenue and taxes. For these, they are constantly seeking to learn more and more about the law to sharpen their business edge. Thus, my work has been as much educational as advisory/advocatory.
For twenty+ years I have helped investors, companies, entrepreneurs and groups [from California to Texas, and in places overseas like India and Singapore] to "organize the pieces" of their legal into a coherent actionable whole. Litigation, IP, technology, agreements, corporate, compliance and regulatory, financial, and more. Along with my clients, I have grown to really dislike "client feeding frenzy" a usually growing group of law firms circling a client due to the illusory need to have five, six, or more separate law firms each with a fully enfranchised mandate. [For instance: IP, labor and employment, corporate, litigation, compliance]. Each comes with time demands and usually growing by-the-hour bills. This can be streamlined for companies and their owners and brought into one organized whole, to better serve a client's mission path as well as budget realities. What you save today is capital for tomorrow.
This is what I call "full spectrum legal portfolio management." Technology (including especially emerging AI/ML tools, and data solutions) can enhance and accelerate our abilities to achieve more, and smarter. In many cases they are indispensable. For this reason, today I consider myself an 'AI Counsel' with an obligation to assist guiding my clients to the best solutions within their legal frameworks.